Candles - Of Old and New.

[b]Happy Meal Toys[/b]
Candles and the art of candle making has been with us for many many years. Now, candle making is a hobby that people enjoy doing. To create your own candles from start to finish and then sit there and watch them burn is a gratifying experience. It is a hobby now and to some a job, but in the past it was a way of life. The reason for candles being produced was primarily for a reading light, or a light to help the cook of the house to prepare the nightly meal. To create a night time meal without a candle lightsource would have been near on impossible. It is only later in the late 21st century that we decided to use these light giving instruments as an accessory to romance, to accentuate mood, and create a romantic feel and aroma that either relaxes yur loved one or rouses them in to a height of passion.

Candles Gave Light
In the past, colonial times, candles were used for light but also for signaling maybe to inform that enemy fighters were heading their way, or to summon a doctor from afar as well as help with any nightime reading that had to be done. It is possible that the people who used these candles in the past could have got the same pleasure as us from watching their candles as they burned, but they were used mainly as an emergency type of device, as well as a night time light reading helper. In the night time hours, all of the home activities would have required a flame from a candle.
Candles - Fire - Burn.
Candle making was an annual event. The ladies of the house would group together and make enough candles to last out the year and maybe a few extras in case of emergencies. With all of these candles burning around the house it made fire an always possibly risk. If the home had a thatched roof and a candle dropped to the floor of the home, it was possible that the whole house could go up in flames, and the residents would lose their homes. I imagine that for lovemaking sessions, and if the lovemaking was a little crazy, it would have been possible that the candle they were using to see their carnal activities could be kicked towards a lace curtain, and they could lose a house this way also. I don't believe there are any specific records of this nature, but in those times I don't think they would report it if they did burn down the house in a frenzied lovemaking session. The candle was loved by all and I also imagine at times it was cursed by all too.
Group Candle Activity
Making a years supply of candles was not easy and because it took some time to complete group of friends, neighbors, and relatives would together make their much needed candles. The average household would consume anywhere between 300 - 500 candles in a yearly period.
The Candle Today
Although, we don't have thatched roofs anymore, the candle of today can still create fires. These candles are loved by many as a hobby, for profit, and for fun. A hobby that can be done on your own, or with your family members.
Happy Successful Candle Making.
Colonial Candle Making