High chair toys are a must have, if you have a kid who just cannot stay calm in his or her high chair. These toys have just one single point agenda and that is to keep your child busy. These can divert the attention of your cranky child and keep them busy and happy too. Depending on the age of the kid, there are various kinds of such chairs, which they can play with.

[b]Happy Meal Toys[/b]
Here are some of the most common occasions that you will need high chair toys commonly:
• Children just cannot stay calm and steady when they are being fed, especially when seated in a chair. Therefore, these toys can be a good diversion for them while they are being fed. Many studies revealed that when a child is happy, they would eat the right amount of food that is right for their optimal growth.
• Imagine you are at a restaurant along with your kid and he did not like the place one bit. That will be a pretty bad situation trying to dine in with an unhappy child seated in the high chair. Toys will come very handy at that point and you will appreciate yourself for bringing in one of those toys.
• Another very common scenario, you are done feeding the kid but have not finished your own meal. Give the child his favorite toy that he can play with on the chair and you can finish your meal taking your own sweet time.
These chair toys attach to the chair with suction cups so that they do not fall off the child's table. Fiddly bits can keep a child busy all the time and that is the reason why most chair toys have lots of them. Anything that makes sounds and music will fascinate a child and that is why there are hundreds of toys out that that can be attached to a high chair and entertain your kid. Bouncing toys and stuff toys with springs are also very popular high chair toys, as kids love anything that moves and comes back to them.
Calm Down Your Cranky Kid With High Chair Toys