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As animal lovers we want nothing more than to make our dog's life as happy and long as possible. We buy him toys to play with, we make sure that he is warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and we feed him a high quality food. The only problem is that many of the 'quality foods' that are sold in pet shops and supermarkets are not exactly what you would consider quality at all.
The fact is that some contain products that most of us would prefer our pets not eat. With that being said it's not surprising that there is a growing trend for dog owners to make their own homemade dog food. This is one way to insure that your dog is getting a quality food and you know exactly what it is made of.
If the thought of creating your own dog food sounds intimidating, relax - it can be as easy as you want to make it. Here's a quick and nutritious dog meal that my dogs love. I begin with instant oats, instant rice, and peanut butter.
In reality I don't measure at all, but for the sake of this article I will say that I use about 1 cup of oats, ½ cup of rice and about 1 cup of peanut butter. I then add enough water to cook the oats and rice. The next step is simply microwaving the mix for 2 - 3 minutes. Then I add a large, store bought can of beef stew. My dogs love this mix and it's quick and easy to whip up. I add the beef stew after I have micro-waved so the mixture will be warm but not hot.
This is a healthy and nutritious meal because it provides plenty of protein along with lots of grains and vegetables. But even though this recipe works great for my dogs, you should check with your veterinarian before using it or any homemade recipe. The reason is that many dogs have food related allergies and that means the recipe would need to be modified to meet your dog's needs.
Although my method of creating homemade dog food is quick and easy, some people prefer to cook homemade mixtures more slowly in crock pots or Dutch ovens. This of course means they are preparing large quantities that can be separated out for future single uses. This method allows for immediate future feedings then, as all you have to do is warm the prepared meal before serving.
A sample recipe of that sort follows:
Start with a pound of chicken or turkey. Add 6 cups of water and 2 cups of rice (brown rice is preferable). Mix in 8 ounces of frozen mix of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. Season with 1 teaspoon of dried Rosemary. Cooking time in a Dutch oven will be approximately 25 - 30 minutes, in a crock pot it will be approximately 2 - 3 hours.
When finished cooking let cool and separate into single servings. These can be frozen if desired. When feeding time arrives, simply remove dish from refrigerator or freezer, warm in microwave, and serve.
How to Make Homemade Dog FoodFrom birth, puppies use their mouths to explore their surroundings. They find their mother and have their first meal. They clean themselves and they play with the other siblings with their mouths. This is a natural instinct for puppies. In order to have a well behaved dog you will need to train your puppy to stop biting. Play biting and nipping comes natural to your dog. You just need to let him know what is appropriate and what is not.
When you begin training your puppy, it is important to realize that when he nips at you he is not being aggressive. You are part of his family. He is just testing his parameters and you should show him what boundaries you will permit. Some people don't mind a dog touching them with their teeth just so they don't bite down. They play with their dogs in this way. Others want no mouth contact at all.
When your puppy does bite you, you need to react immediately for him to understand that it is wrong and not tolerated. Yell loudly and turn away from him. This way he won't get any positive reinforcement from your reaction. Our dogs love us and want to please us. It's important not to look at him or speak to him for a few minutes. If he does bite again, you should yell, "No", again. When he does get the idea that biting is not right, be sure to praise him. Don't use force when teaching your puppy not to bite. This will encourage him to bite more.
Give him lots of positive chewing experiences. Chew floss and rawhide bones are great toys for your puppy to chew on. Give your puppy lots of exercise. A great game to play with him is Frisbee. He will love retrieving the Frisbee or ball and he can also chew on it a little as he brings it back. Wrestling with your puppy is not a good idea while you are teaching him not to bite. Don't slap your dog on his cheek. This encourages him to bite. Be sure to give your puppy lots of praise as you work on this training exercise. You and your puppy will grow to know each other and learn to respect each other as you continue your training together.
Discover How to Train Your Puppy to Stop BitingWhen you take your Mom out for a fancy bite to eat on Mother's Day just remember to ask, "Mom, what's your blood type?" When your Mother eats her Mother's Day lunch a chemical reaction will take place between her blood and the food that has been eaten. The way a body reacts is genetically inherited and is caused by proteins in foods caused lectins. 95% of these lectins are disposed of by our immune systems but at least 5% enter the bloodstream. If these proteins are incompatible with your Mom's blood type they may target an organ or bodily system and begin to lump together with blood cells in that area, causing all kinds of health problems. To start with though, she will just feel sluggish and tired which will spell doom for after lunch.
So, try to ensure that any meal you make for your Mom on Mother's Day matches her blood group.
Blood Type 'O':
People with Type 'O' blood will probably high a high stomach acid content which means they can metabolise meat easily but dairy products and grains are not beneficial and the gluten found in wheat can cause weight gain (Mom's don't like that!). Highly beneficial food: red meat, lamb or cow's liver, fish, vegetables or fruit. Avoid: cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, bacon, ham, pork, pickled herring, smoked salmon, corn oil, cashew nuts, peanuts, kidney beans, wheat flour, potatoes, vinegar, mayonnaise, coffee. Dairy products and eggs in limited quantities.
Blood Type 'A':
Moms with this blood grouping will flourish on a vegetarian meal. They will have low stomach acid which means that they will have a harder time digesting meat. Highly beneficial food: vegetables, tofu, most seafood, grains, beans, fruit and cold presses olive oil. Avoid: meat, anchovies, haddock, halibut, mussels, scallops, shrimps, prawns, corn oil, brazil nuts, cashew nuts, kidney beans, mayonnaise. Dairy products in limited quantities.
Blood Type 'B':
If your Mom is lucky enough to belong to this group, she has the only blood type that can fully enjoy a variety of dairy foods, although wheat is not tolerated very well. Highly beneficial food: dairy, lamb, cod, mackerel, grains, beans, oats, rice, vegetables and fruit. Avoid: chicken, pork, shellfish, cashew nuts, peanuts, wheat-based products, lentils, corn, ketchup.
Blood Type 'AB':
If your Mom belongs to the 'AB' blood group, don't make chicken dishes for her. Chicken contains lectin which will irritate the blood and digestive tracts. Dairy foods are tolerated very well. You should serve plenty of vegetables and alkaline-producing fruits. Highly beneficial food: seafood, dairy, lamb, turkey, tofu, beans, legumes, grains, vegetables and fruits. Avoid: Beef, chicken, shellfish, whole-milk, corn-based products, pasta, oranges, vinegar, sodas.
Stay safe this Mother's Day and just get a card and beautiful freshly cut flowers!
Happy Mother's Day - What's Your Mom's Blood Type?High chair toys are a must have, if you have a kid who just cannot stay calm in his or her high chair. These toys have just one single point agenda and that is to keep your child busy. These can divert the attention of your cranky child and keep them busy and happy too. Depending on the age of the kid, there are various kinds of such chairs, which they can play with.
Here are some of the most common occasions that you will need high chair toys commonly:
• Children just cannot stay calm and steady when they are being fed, especially when seated in a chair. Therefore, these toys can be a good diversion for them while they are being fed. Many studies revealed that when a child is happy, they would eat the right amount of food that is right for their optimal growth.
• Imagine you are at a restaurant along with your kid and he did not like the place one bit. That will be a pretty bad situation trying to dine in with an unhappy child seated in the high chair. Toys will come very handy at that point and you will appreciate yourself for bringing in one of those toys.
• Another very common scenario, you are done feeding the kid but have not finished your own meal. Give the child his favorite toy that he can play with on the chair and you can finish your meal taking your own sweet time.
These chair toys attach to the chair with suction cups so that they do not fall off the child's table. Fiddly bits can keep a child busy all the time and that is the reason why most chair toys have lots of them. Anything that makes sounds and music will fascinate a child and that is why there are hundreds of toys out that that can be attached to a high chair and entertain your kid. Bouncing toys and stuff toys with springs are also very popular high chair toys, as kids love anything that moves and comes back to them.
Calm Down Your Cranky Kid With High Chair ToysStudying Mandarin in China is becoming ever more popular. The rate of Chinese economic growth is creating more and more jobs where a bilingual person can really capitalize on western education. Proficiency in both English and Mandarin does not only set a person apart from the crowd in job applications, it is also solid skill that will be increasingly regarded as more and more important as China ascends further up the economic and diplomatic pecking order. Today there is no longer a question if China is going to overtake The United States as the world's largest economy, just a question of when. If China continues at its present course this will happened in around twenty years. Already today businesses are maneuvering to take advantage not so much of what China is today, but what it is going to be in 5, 10 and 20 years.
One notable field where China is turning heads already is that of high tech manufacturing, it used to be the case that China was only able to output low-end quality goods. Today China is a crucial part of almost every supply line, from Happy Meal toys to high-end oil rig equipment and aircraft engine parts. The majority of people are not aware of this trend, but it is significant nevertheless. That China, a country which is famous for its ability to mass produce start climbing the technology ladder, all global markets will in time be affected to some degree. Today, for example, a majority of computer components are created in China, a cost savings solution that underpins the massive price reduction for computers in the 10 years. This trend is however not new. Most people do not know it but China overtook The United States of America in 2006 as the world's largest exporter of high-end technology.
Another market in which China is completely altering the playing field is that of luxury consumption. Not even 10 years ago China accounted for less than 1 percent of total global demand for bling and glamour. Since then the Chinese has more than made up for their lack of interest in Cartier, Ferrari, Luis Vitton and the other few hundred of the worlds most expensive products. In 2010 China bought roughly 15 percent of all these products (up by 1500% in ten years in terms of global proportion points). This figure is only eclipsed by the fact that the trend shows no sign of stopping. By 2015 it is thought that the Chinese glitterati will buy almost one third of all luxury produced.
A third way that Chinese developments is re shaping the global landscape of trade and inter connected localities is commodities. This was one of the first shifts in global supply and demand that was clearly visible around the world that originated solely in China. Today China is known as the Factory of The World. It is therefore not that strange that China is very hungry. It takes a lot of raw input to produce a lot of low and high tech toys. Chinas appetite for iron ore, oil and just about every other primary level good in the world is one a star bound trajectory. China is buying up land and resources just about everywhere and in time China will have a controlling stake in global commodity markets similar to that of the European Union and The United States has today.
This development does of course not only confine itself to the stuff people use to make better stuff. It is a general trend that really is all encompassing. The world is going multi polar and as China begins to assert it self the use of Mandarin will become more commonplace than ever. Businesses are in the process of redefining them selves too. What do you think the headquarter of Channel is most preoccupied with when it comes to business development? China is here to stay, and with it, so is Mandarin.
Learning Mandarin In The Coming 20's